Creative Expression in the Virtual World

Finding Creative Ways to Connect in Community

本页包括为社区成员提供搬家机会的资源, learn, reflect, create, and more in community together in unique ways.

Throughout this past year, 有时感觉创造性表达被虚拟所取代, quarantined world -- however, we know it is not. 我们知道,在我们度过难关的过程中,与他人分享社区是至关重要的. 创造性表达是一个总括性术语,包括使用许多不同媒介和形式的各种不同活动. These can include theater, drama, music, dance, drawing, painting, murals, spoken word, poetry, and much more! 在这个虚拟世界中,创造性表达可以包括一个 online cooking classes, 通过Zoom与朋友或家人一起尝试新食谱, joining a virtual book club, paint-and-sip events, and others.

Creating Connections tells us to mix it up and don't limit yourself, embrace your inner creative, and and get inspired from others!  When healthy creative outlets are integrated, individuals can experience less stress, strengthen cognitive abilities, and impact their mood positively. With this in mind, C+V明白,每个人都要关心自己, they care for the community. 看看下面的方法,和别人一起练习创造性的表达,帮助你度过这段时间.

*请注意,这个列表是学习更多yzcca88游戏登录网址这个主题的起点. C+V does not endorse any specific product, service, or platform, 我们不能保证所提供信息的准确性. Additionally, 如果你想看到全屏的YouTube视频和字幕, select "YouTube" on the video, and it will lead you to the site.

person painting

"Many of us remember making art as small children, losing ourselves, immersed in a sea of paints, crayons, construction paper, brown paper bags and Popsicle sticks. 我们与这种与世界交流内心自我的动力联系在一起. 
That communication has intrinsic value. It connects us to others, to a community. 它让我们通过分享故事和让自己可见,在社区中拥有代理."
- Abigail Simms, Joyful Heart Foundation



Community creative expression ideas

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    给朋友、家人或同学发短信或打电话 find a new recipe you have been wanting to try. 然后在家里设置好你的电脑或电话,尽你最大的努力去模仿烹饪节目! 此外,在结束时你还会得到一顿美味的晚餐或款待.

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    Schedule a writing block with others -在你的日历上留出一段特定的时间,只用于写作. 如果你在虚拟世界中感到没有动力,那么与他人联系和找时间写作将是很好的.

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    Work with a fellow group of actors to perform an online scripted performance 允许朋友或家人观看最终成品不仅可以让你练习,还可以让你在“大屏幕”上面对其他人.

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    与其他艺术家一起练习新的绘画或绘画技巧 -您可以拍摄图像并相互分享或通过Zoom加入,同时绘制或油漆. 再配上一杯美味的饮料,供你自己品尝!

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    和一群音乐家一起唱或弹一首新歌. 有一些视频例子表明,人们甚至找到了通过视频协调和一起表演的方法.

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    Hold a weekly dance party 要动起来,重新振作起来,和一些朋友或同事联系.

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    从家里拿一些东西,和家人一起做一些有趣的东西 -这可以是一个冰棒棒塔,一个水彩片,一个从纸板箱的堡垒,或更多! 让你的创造力自由流动,如果你愿意,甚至不要在脑海中设定目标.

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    问问当地的商家,他们是否想在墙上挂一幅壁画 这可以吸引企业到当地,给你一个发挥创造力的机会.

Virtual creative expression in action!

C+V Community Talks: Wellness & Creativity: Exploring Community Together

Drawing & 绘画-虚拟讲师:铅笔技术


food dishes

Connecting with fellow community members

Check out Crimson Connect activities and groups and the DU Calendar!

校园里有许多组织举办以烹饪和食物为中心的活动, art, writing, and much more. 搜索深红色连接和DU日历为组和即将到来的事件, 特别是当人们提供虚拟和混合选项时.


Additional Resources

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    Campus Life Arts & Activities

    At DU, 你可以在课堂之外创造一条完全适合你的生活方式和兴趣的道路. 选择从众多的活动和事件,将娱乐,丰富和挑战你.

    Visit Web Page

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    Cultural Center and Spiritual Life’s Book Shelf

    希望通过一本书来扩展你对社区和价值观的理解? 参观文化中心和精神生活的书架,获得一些评论和建议. 建立一个在线读书俱乐部,阅读其中一本有影响力的书!

    Visit Web Page

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    College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

    Visit here to learn more about CAHSS, including their programs, class offerings, activities, events, and more!

    Visit Site

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    Visit Denver: Denver Arts & Culture


    Visit Site

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    Explore your creativity. 加入Skillshare,观看,玩耍,学习,制作和发现. Check out their free class options!

    Visit Website

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    写作社区是一个完美的地方,可以找到你写作问题的答案,并与真正理解你在谈论什么的人讨论写作生活的来龙去脉. 看看这个链接,有15个在线写作社区!

    Visit List

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